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Alas, Poor Jaiku! [Podcast #59]

Just back from meetings in Brussels and London, Michele joins Conn for a podcast.  They check out the Irish language version of EURid's site and look ahead to ICANN 46, next week in Beijing. Michele explains

With and Without Makeup [Podcast #58]

It's makeover time for websites,as the Irish Times and Irish Independent try out new looks.  Google Plus gets a touch up - nobody notices.  Facebook announce a new look - has anybody actually seen it yet?

Podcast: Christian Dawson of i2Coalition

Christian Dawson is COO of ServInt, a hosting company based in Washington DC.  He's also chairman of i2Coalition, the Internet Infrastructure Coalition, an advocacy group formed just 10 months ago. From their website: "The Internet Infrastructure

By |February 22, 2013|Categories: Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , |2 Comments

Podcast: Kevin Murphy of Domain Incite

This week we've got an interview with Kevin Murphy, editor of DomainIncite. Kevin has been writing about the domain name industry for several years and has been covering the newTLDs and ICANN on his site. Kevin

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