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America is “Losing the Cloud” over Surveillance, warns i2Coalition

We mentioned Christian Dawson on last week's podcast, and we've interviewed him in a previous episode. He's chairman and co-founder of i2Coalition, the Internet Infrastructure Coalition. i2Coalition is an industry organisation representing businesses that provide the "nuts and bolts"

BBC Reports on Dairymaster and the Happy Cows

Many of the farmers I know are born engineers: witness the enthusiasm for machinery, both vintage and cutting-edge, at summer agriculture shows around the country. But as this BBC report suggests, the most successful agricultural entrepreneurs are sympathetic to nature as

By |August 8, 2014|Categories: Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |1 Comment

Rosetta Spacecraft Catches Comet after 10 Year Chase

This week, the Rosetta spacecraft reached the destination it's been working towards since its launch in 2004, and for many years before that: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. On RTÉ's Drivetime on Wednesday, Kevin O'Rourke of The Planetary Society, pointed out that this project

By |August 8, 2014|Categories: General, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |2 Comments

Four Lads in a Mini, Four Days in Ireland

It's not California, as Michele and I discussed yesterday, but that doesn't change the fact that Ireland is having a fantastic, sunny, showery summer. Talk to any farmer: they're delighted with the weather. Driving through Tipperary yesterday

By |August 7, 2014|Categories: Video|Tags: , , , , , |13 Comments
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