Michele and Conn get together on Skype for a podcast (22:55, 13MB, MP3).
Michele’s umbrella was an early casualty of Wednesday’s storm, but it also provided the first real-world use of the failover systems in Blacknight’s new data centre.
Ireland scores highly on the World Press Freedom Index, while the US and UK lose points for their response to the Snowden affair.
The day we fought back.
NUI Galway Gigapixel photo.
Ryanair allows PEDs during takeoff on its planes.
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RT @blacknight: New Podcast: Fwiday Febwuawy Fouwteenth http://t.co/PV2PgvPBDx
New Technology.ie podcast: “Fwiday Febwuawy Fouwteenth” http://t.co/q3j3DwslSR via @blacknight