Authenticity is the Key to Social Media says Paul Buckley of Aer Lingus [Video]
Paul Buckley, Head of Social Media at Aer Lingus was at the Disruptors conference recently in Dublin. Like all brands, Paul says, they've found it can be a challenge to reach their audience through Facebook's Edgerank filtering. "What we've been
It’s Not a Good Time to be a Gatekeeper says Clay Hebert [Video]
Clay Hebert thinks gatekeepers are a good idea - but only up to a point: "I'm glad that there are gatekeepers for pilots and for surgeons, but in this entrepreneurial world - entrepreneurs and creative endeavours -
Kelly Hoey on Going Beyond “Check-the-Box” Diversity [Video]
Kelly Hoey is an angel investor and startup mentor based in New York. "Networks and relationships have just fueled what I've done", she says, describing her background as an attorney and the path which took her into running a