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Accepting Payments Online is Easier than Ever – Realex Payments [Video]

Ireland's SMEs have lagged behind internationally for the ability to accept payments online, but they are catching up fast, says Paul Dunne of Realex Payments. He was speaking at a free seminar for SMEs organised by

Harnessing the Cloud: The First Step is Strategy says Dermot Casey [Video]

From big corporations to aggressive startups, Dermot Casey helps companies to work better. In particular, he helps them to think strategically about how to leverage technology in the service of their business goals. Formerly COO and CTO at Storyful, now

Dublin Zoo wins Grand Prix at The Sockies 2015 Social Media Awards

A sold-out crowd of 650 social media savants attended the Maximum Media Sockies last night, The 2015 Social Media Awards at the RDS Concert Hall in Dublin. Organised by Mulley Communications and presented by Rick O'Shea, the Sockies is the premier

Expanded Domain Space is “The New Normal” – Jothan Frakes of DomainFest [Audio] has got twenty tickets to give away to DomainFest Bulgaria next week. It's just one of the events which form part of Bulgarian Internet Week, in a country which ranks second in the world for Internet use

What if Man of Steel Was in Colour? [Video]

The success of dark-themed and dark-toned Batman films had an influence on the last Superman movie, it appears. Just how much of an influence becomes obvious when you see Man of Steel corrected to give it a brighter look.

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