Why ICANN’s Consensus Model Beats Politics [Video]
People unfamiliar with the workings of the internet sometimes express surprise at the idea that there is no-one 'in charge'; and that so much depends on consensus. To those more familiar with politics than engineering, it may seem inefficient, but as ICANN's Ombudsman
Tim Cook Comes Out: “I’m Proud to be Gay”
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has publicly declared that he is gay, in an editorial published today in Bloomberg BusinessWeek. #455048252 / gettyimages.com He writes that he has been "open with many people" about his sexuality for
Kelly Hoey on Going Beyond “Check-the-Box” Diversity [Video]
Kelly Hoey is an angel investor and startup mentor based in New York. "Networks and relationships have just fueled what I've done", she says, describing her background as an attorney and the path which took her into running a