Google AI Figures Things Out For Itself
Google's image recognition "deep learning" systems have evolved to the point where the engineers working on them no longer understand how they are "thinking". At the Machine Learning Conference in San Francisco last week, Google Engineer Quoc
Google & Bing Block Child Abuse Images
Eric Schmidt (Photo credit: Wikipedia) We talk a lot about freedom of speech and net neutrality on technology websites such as this. Information should be free; search engines should not censor; and people should
Google Helpouts – Live Chat with Experts
Google have just launched Helpouts, a live chat experience which puts users in touch with experts who can provide advice in real-time, for a fee, or for free. [youtube][/youtube] There's even a Helpouts for Helpouts, as
Digital Attack Map shows DDOS Attacks
This week, Google are co-hosting a conference in New York titled conflict Conflict in a Connected World. The summit brings together “hacktivists,” security experts, entrepreneurs, dissidents and others to explore the changing nature of conflict and
Google Analytics To Drop Support For IE8
Google have announced that they're dropping support for IE8 (Internet Explorer 8) at the end of the year. We decided to do this to both accelerate the pace at which we can innovate new product features,
Linux By The Numbers
The Linux Foundation has released their latest report and also produced a nice little graphic to help illustrate it. Here are some of the headline numbers: Nearly 10,000 developers from more than 1,000 companies have contributed