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Graham Dwyer and Data Retention – An Interview with TJ McIntyre of Digital Rights Ireland [Audio]

Today's podcast is an interview with TJ McIntyre, Chairman of Digital Rights Ireland, about the Irish Data Retention legislation which was challenged recently by defence lawyers in the Graham Dwyer murder case. Click on the player above

Digital Rights Europe Conference will Focus on Practicalities [Audio]

Blacknight is sponsoring the inaugural Digital Rights Europe Conference, in Dublin on April 15 (and we're giving a 50% discount on the tickets - see below!) Antóin Ó Lachtnáin is on the organising team and he joins us on today's podcast. Click on

A Golden Age of Journalism? Interview with Malachy Browne of [Audio]

Malachy Browne is our guest on today's podcast. With a solid background in both journalism and technology, he worked for Village magazine and co-founded before joining Storyful as News Editor. In December he joined international news startup,

TOR for Newbies: How and Why to Use it [Infographic]

There's a lot of talk about privacy at the moment, and the use of encryption tools by individuals and organisations. UK prime minister David Cameron thinks that no-one should have privacy, while many people believe that strong encryption is a

By |January 21, 2015|Categories: General, Infographic|Tags: , , , , , |5 Comments

Data Protection Commissioner to Double its Workforce with New Dublin Office

Data Protection Commisioners Office, Portarlington (Google Streetview) The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner is planning to hire 45 people which will more than double its current staff. 18 people will be recruited 'immediately' to staff its planned new

The Hit Team Fights Back Against Revenge Porn [Audio]

2014 was the year in which the loss of online privacy became a painful reality for some celebrities, as well as many not so well known victims of 'revenge porn'. Many people believe that there's no way to combat

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