window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-DG7SXGXHF8');


The Hit Team Fights Back Against Revenge Porn [Audio]

2014 was the year in which the loss of online privacy became a painful reality for some celebrities, as well as many not so well known victims of 'revenge porn'. Many people believe that there's no way to combat

Exception to Copyright Law Allows Cultural Institutions to Digitise ‘Orphan Works’

The Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English TD has welcomed the introduction of an exception to copyright law that will allow cultural institutions in the State to digitise certain works in their collections where the

By |October 31, 2014|Categories: General|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Who Made Wikipedia the Judge on ‘Monkey Selfie’ Copyright?

Out of respect for David Slater's copyright, we are not using his photo. This is a stock image of a celebes crested macaque. If a monkey picks up your camera and takes a selfie: who owns the

By |August 11, 2014|Categories: General, Opinion|Tags: , , , , , |9 Comments

Digital Rights Ireland Appeal for Financial Support

Digital Rights Ireland is a voluntary organisation campaigning for Digital Rights in Ireland and Europe, in particular in the areas of Digital Privacy, Web Blocking and Copyright Reform.  It has had some notable success in 2013,

Copyright Forum Part 3: Prof Steve Hedley [Video]

Professor Steve Hedley is the third member of the Copyright Review Committee and he takes us through the final part of their presentation at the Royal Irish Academy on Monday, after presentations by Eoin O'Dell and Patricia McGovern.

By |December 13, 2013|Categories: Events, Video|Tags: , , , , |3 Comments
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