window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-DG7SXGXHF8');

European Union

Dropbox Follows Twitter by Basing Services in Ireland, as UK Gives Immunity to Spies

If you live outside the United States and use Twitter, then from today that service is provided to you by Twitter International Company, which is based in Dublin. In its announcement last month the company made

Outbox Incubator for Startups Led by Girls – An Interview with Anne-Marie Imafidon [Audio]

Click on the player above to listen to the show, or download it here: 17:49; 10MB; MP3. [Featured image: Startup founders Ciara Judge and Emer Hickey explaining their company Germinaid Innovations to HRH The Princess Royal at

European Cars will Automatically Phone for Help

The EU Parliament has voted to make the eCall system mandatory in new cars and light vans from April 2018. In the event of a serious accident, eCall automatically dials 112 - Europe's single emergency number

By |April 29, 2015|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |6 Comments

Fergal Crehan on “Ireland as a Digital Privacy Powerhouse” [Video]

On Friday, Twitter announced a change to their terms of service and privacy policy which puts Ireland at the centre of its international operations, citing the benefits of European data protection law as a rationale for the move. Just

Graham Dwyer and Data Retention – An Interview with TJ McIntyre of Digital Rights Ireland [Audio]

Today's podcast is an interview with TJ McIntyre, Chairman of Digital Rights Ireland, about the Irish Data Retention legislation which was challenged recently by defence lawyers in the Graham Dwyer murder case. Click on the player above

Technology Drives Efficiency in Dairy Expansion – An Interview with Dr Edmond Harty [Audio]

On April 1, the EU lifted the quota system for dairy production which had been in place for over 30 years. Now European dairy farmers are permitted to produce as much milk as they can sell. Agriculture

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