How Free Is Our Media?
Freedom of the press is an important metric. And while Irish media have been discussing how much freedom there is versus the risk of legal issues, the overall ranking of Ireland's media isn't that bad. The
If Darth Vader Was on Facebook
If Darth Vader was on Facebook his "look back" movie might look a bit like this..
Weirdest Font Ever?
Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should .. With that in mind we bring you the weirdest font we've seen so far.. You can see more of the font over here.
Ryanair First Irish Airline To Allow Electronics On Flights
Ryanair announced a couple of days ago that they had been granted permission by the Irish Aviation Authority to let passengers leave their "personal electronic devices" or PEDs on throughout their flights: Ryanair, Ireland’s favourite airline,
Speak Out Against Mass Surveillance
On February 11th thousands of websites will join in an online protest against mass surveillance. If you're reading this post directly on our site you'll probably see the banner down the bottom of the page. What's
Facebook Look Back Walter White Edition
While my own "look back" video is plain odd this mock one for Breaking Bad character Walter White has gone viral: