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Are Domain Names the new Flags and Emblems?

There's been some interesting talk lately about national and cultural domain extensions. Scotland may have rejected independence in yesterday's referendum, but for those who'd rather not use a .UK domain name, .SCOT opens for general availability on Tuesday

Who Made Wikipedia the Judge on ‘Monkey Selfie’ Copyright?

Out of respect for David Slater's copyright, we are not using his photo. This is a stock image of a celebes crested macaque. If a monkey picks up your camera and takes a selfie: who owns the

By |August 11, 2014|Categories: General, Opinion|Tags: , , , , , |9 Comments

Why Paddy Cosgrave is Wrong about Irish Universities and Grade Inflation

DWS2012Thur-17 (Photo credit: The Summit HQ) Paddy Cosgrave says he thinks Trinity degrees are worth more than those from other universities because of 'grade inflation'. But the research he quotes says Trinity's grade inflation

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