
Irish Copyright Consultation Open

We’ve talked about the digital copyright debacle several times over the past couple of months. With the signing into law of the copyright SI last week some may have felt that the story was over, but in many respects it’s only the end of a chapter. There is now an open consultation on the subject. […]

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Nataša Đukanović

Natasa Loves .Me [Podcast #19]

Brought to you by Blacknight, it’s the Technology.ie podcast episode 19, presented by Conn Ó Muíneacháin and Michele Neylon.  Our guest this week is Nataša Đukanović, Sales Director for the .me Top Level Domain. Montegro was granted the .me tld in 2006 and Nataša’s company began registering domains in 2008.  Now they have 600,000 domains registered, approximately one per head […]

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Nataša Đukanović - chief sales + marketing ninja

What Should We Ask Natasa?

Conn and I will be recording this week’s podcast this evening. On the show this week we’re very lucky to have  Nataša Đukanović from the .me registry as our special guest. Nataša is sales and marketing director for the .me domain name registry and is also one of the nicest people I know in the […]

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Joan Mulvihill, IIA CEO

Joan Mulvihill, CEO of Irish Internet Association [Podcast #18]

Brought to you by Blacknight, it’s the Technology.ie podcast episode 18, presented by Conn Ó Muíneacháin and Michele Neylon.  Our guest this week is Joan Mulvihill, CEO of the Irish Internet Association. With a background in ecommerce, Joan feels strongly about helping IIA members do business online.  What’s more, this year’s annual conference is going to […]

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Michele Neylon and friend after a hard day at the Parallels Summit

Ice Cold in Orlando [Podcast #17]

Michele’s in Florida at the Parallels Summit, but I tracked him down for the podcast.  It wasn’t difficult! It sounds busy, but fun.  Lots of meetings, and a keynote speech from Guy Kawasaki.  Oh – and an ice bar! Here at home, EMC announced an initiative with the government to help developers develop cloud apps […]

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Keyboard Warriors [Podcast #16]

Normally Conn does the write ups and puts the podcasts live, but this week I’m the one doing it, so here we go… This week Conn and I recorded the show in the evening, since both of us have been very busy. We picked up on the conversation we had been having a couple of […]

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Martha Rotter and Stewart Curry from Idea Magazine [Tech Heroes Podcast #2]

Idea Magazine is the freshest thing in Irish publishing, serving the tech and startup community in Ireland and lovingly designed for your tablet, phone or PC by the team at woop.ie (Write Only Once; Publish It Everywhere!) Martha Rotter and Stewart Curry join Michele and Conn for this week’s Tech Heroes chat, to discuss Developer Evangelism, […]

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An Irish SOPA to an Irish Problem [Podcast #15]

Brought to you by Blacknight, it’s The Technology.ie Podcast, Episode 15, with Conn Ó Muíneacháin and Michele Neylon. This podcast was recorded as the SOPA was hitting the fan in Ireland.  A campaign by internet users and business gathered tens of thousands of names in just over  a day.  Michele debated with the Minister on RTÉ’s Drivetime (MP3 is here) […]

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