“Yippee Doo Dah” [Podcast #14]
Have you ever wondered how businesses and organisations manage their social media? In this episode Michele Neylon talks about what they do at Blacknight. One of the key questions is how a team of people can administer a single social media account. Blacknight have been using a tool called Cotweet, but Michele is concerned that […]
Kindle Fire?
Spotted in County Clare. OK, so it’s not an iPad killer, but that’s hardly an excuse to burn them by the bagful, is it?
Tech Heroes: Conor O’Neill
I’ve been trying to get Conor O’Neill on the show for a while. He’s a great blogger and entrepreneur and a cheerleader for Irish Tech. But what I really wanted to talk to him about was ‘home entertainment hacking’! Then Netflix launched in Ireland and I sent him a ping. Luckily he was free to […]
No Recession in Imagination [Podcast #13]
The title of this week’s podcast is a translation of a phrase Michele tweeted earlier this week: “Níl aon chúlú sa tsamhlaíocht” – there’s no recession in imagination! Michele found it in his email in a newsletter from Kila – the band who’s music you hear at the start of each episode of the podcast. […]
Welcome to Ireland Netflix, but what about the bandwidth?
When I blogged about my plans to “cut the cord” the other day, I didn’t know that Netflix was coming to Ireland and the UK. But when I turned on Twitter this morning it was the subject of every second tweet. First of all, hats off to them for a simple sign up. This photograph […]
SOPA, Facebook Privacy and Water [Podcast #12]
It’s a new year and the lads are full of good intentions! Michele resolves to be healthy in 2012. Conn just wants to be a better webmaster. He’s got a collection of forgotten domains and neglected websites hosted all over the place, and he’s going to clean them up and make them work! Michele demonstrates […]
Austerity Technology
I hate to use the word ‘austerity’. I’ve resisted giving in to the “doom & gloom”, aware that it’s a convenient trope for media in “the current climate”. But in 2011 it’s become clear that ‘austerity’ is more than just a media cliche. And this Christmas as we’ve reconnected with old friends, people are talking […]
Happy New Year!
2012 is upon us! So what does it hold for technology and the web? Will Facebook have an IPO? Will Google’s social network take market share from Facebook? Will ICANN be able to launch new TLDs on time? We don’t have the answers to any of those questions – yet, but throughout 2012 we plan […]
Technology.ie Podcast #11: Gabh Abhaile, Gowalla!
Brought to you by Blacknight, it’s The Technology.ie Podcast, Episode 8, with Conn Ó Muíneacháin and Michele Neylon. Our guest this week is science and technology journalist Marie Boran. We talk about Carrier IQ. Is it a rootkit, or a legitimate network management tool? There’s a new social network for the Irish language, currently in development and launching in […]
What is Carrier IQ?
That’s the question which puzzled Trevor Eckhart when he discovered it installed on a range of smartphones. But it’s not what it is, so much as what it does, that gave him cause for concern … Mobile networks have rushed to distance themselves from this product, and the company itself claims that it is nothing […]