Social Media Images Cheatsheet 2016 Edition
While a lot of social media networks will offer you tools to edit, tweak and crop your images so that they fit correctly, it's far easier to prepare images based on their optimal sizes. Unfortunately those
Podcast: Super-Grumpy!* [Audio]
On today's podcast I talk to Michele about Star Wars: The Force Awakens - which I have seen and he hasn't. Don't worry - it's a spoiler free zone. Click on the player above to listen to the
Skellig Rocks! Spoiler-Free Irish Star Wars Review
Luke Skywalker is missing. That's not a spoiler: It's revealed in the opening seconds of The Force Awakens, as the familiar text crawls across the screen. It's also been the subject of a teaser hashtag campaign
Entries Close Tonight for the Blacknight SME Awards [Video]
It's been a little quiet here at the last few days. I've been out and about meeting my favourite kind of interesting people: entrepreneurs. I've got three new videos up on the Blacknight Blog: quick interviews
Twitter launches online #JobFair
Twitter is hosting its first European #JobFair, a Twitter owned initiative taking place across Europe for one day, on Tuesday 24th February. Dozens of companies from Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, France and Germany will take
Solution Centred Approach to Selling ICT – Sales Institute Breakfast Seminar
On Wednesday next, February 18, The Sales Institute is running a breakfast seminar on the 'Solution Centred Approach to Selling ICT', at the O’Callaghan Alexander Hotel in Dublin at 7:30am. In most cases when you sell an
If Luke Skywalker was MacGyver [Video]
Only a sick and fevered mind could have imagined this 'Star Wars' title sequence, in the style of techie action man MacGyver. Which goes to show that it's an ill wind that doesn't blow some good. I