Star Wars Pun Heavy Weather Forecast
Sian Welby's weather forecast for Channel 5 in the UK is probably accurate, but the presenter managed to slip in about a dozen Star Wars references and puns. Nicely done: One for any Star Wars
We Must Solve the Problem of Jurisdiction to Keep Cyberspace Free-to-Roam – Bertrand de La Chappelle [Video]
The internet has no borders; increasingly things get complicated when questions of jurisdiction arise. Bertrand de La Chappelle runs The Internet and Jurisdiction Project, based in Paris, which is working to to establish "a global, issue-based,
Star Wars A Cappella Medley
Fan of Star Wars? Like the music? How about an a cappella medley featuring the cast of The Force Awakens? The medley features Jimmy Fallon, The Roots and Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Gwendoline
Safer Internet Day – Think Before You Post
Today is Safer Internet Day, in many countries across the EU and elsewhere. St Joseph's High School in England have produced a video reminding people - and especially kids - to Think Before You Post! [youtube][/youtube] and Twitter Launch new ‘Online Safety Hub’ to mark Safer Internet Day 2015, Ireland’s youth information website, has partnered with social networking platform Twitter to launch a new ‘Online Safety Information Hub’ to mark Safer Internet Day 2015 (February 10th). Each year the global online safety community celebrates
ISP Association Warns Kids Against Provocative Selfies [Audio]
As the service operated by the ISP Association of Ireland marks 15 years in operation, the head of that organisation has warned that 'provocative' or 'cheeky' images which are being generated by children themselves are being used by paedophiles online. Paul Durrant,
Hozier with Annie Lennox Rocks Grammy Awards [Video]
Last night's Grammy awards is lighting up the social channels this morning. You can speculate on Kanye West's repeat of his stage storming on behalf of Beyoncé. Was he joking? Apparently not. But if you'd rather focus on the music,