Tag Archives | Social network

Welcome screen of Twitter's self-service advertising platform

Exploring Twitter’s Native Analytics

When Twitter started “wrapping” all hyperlinks using the t.co URL shortener they emphasised that the service would help the platform’s security. But, as they admitted, it was also going to give them access to metrics on how users’ interact with tweets. You can now access a lot of this data for your account via Twitter […]

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Squishy Using HashTags

Facebook finally gets #hashtags

Well Facebook was a bit of a flutter yesterday,  at least in my stream, with people wondering why there were so many hash tags around. I assumed people were cross-posting from twitter to facebook, but no it’s not that. Facebook have gone the way of Twitter and Instagram and quite possibly numerous other services and […]

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Flipboard Gets A Makeover

A few days ago Flipboard released a major update. Now any Flipboard user can create their own “magazine” and populate it with content. They’ve also announced a new partnership with Etsy, which allows users to explore products and even buy them directly from within the app. Personally I’m addicted to Flipboard and use it every […]

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Twitter Face Palm Moments

Big brands use Twitter and other social media outlets to engage and promote their products and services. While some might do a better job than others some of the bigger brands have had “face palm” moments over the last year or so. Some very big brands have had major issues on Twitter and this graphic […]

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